Get to know the team: Lilac Zhang
Zonder een gemotiveerd team geen Historicidagen. Daarom laten we op de website met enige regelmaat teamleden van de organisatie aan het woord om zichzelf voor te stellen. Deze keer Lilac Zhang, masterstudent Global Markets & Local Creativities (EUR) afkomstig uit China, en de komende maanden actief als stagiaire voor de organisatie van de Historicidagen 2021.

Lilac Zhang
My name is Lilac Zhang, and I will be working as an intern of the Historians’ Days at the KNHG from January 2021. My role is to develop a cultural program that presents Rotterdam to the diverse participants of the conference in line with the theme of ‘History Beyond Borders’.
I am from China, and I worked in the media and tourism sectors in Beijing and Shanghai. In 2019, I moved to Europe to pursue an Erasmus Mundus International Master’s degree in Global Markets, Local Creativities, during which I was studying in University of Glasgow, University of Barcelona and currently, Erasmus University Rotterdam. This master focuses on globalization, creative cities and creative industries history, and it has a close connection to “now”. During my study, I have been able to work with my colleagues from more than 30 nationalities and study different cities to understand local culture and history.
I am very motivated to use my professional and academic skills during my internship. In addition, I look forward to gaining new knowledge and experience in presenting history in an academic context – in collaboration with the great team of KNHG!